A view of Sharon and Chris Werner's gardens

Hilltop Arboretum brings the outside in with Spring Garden Tour

In an era where the health and beauty of the environment is just as important as that of our minds and bodies, a well-designed garden is making a comeback in the realm of home design. So to take advantage of the spring greens and bursting blossoms in the backyards of Baton Rouge, the LSU Hilltop Arboretum will host its Spring Garden Tour, “Space to Space: Harmonizing Gardens and Homes” this Sunday, May 15, from 1 to 5 p.m.

The tour highlights four local properties that have succeeded in connecting home and garden spaces, delivering a seamless flow between exteriors and interiors.

Included are Tricia Day and Joe Simmons’ energy-efficient oasis of bamboo and oak, the romantic “garden rooms” of Sharon and Chris Werner’s Old Goodwood property, Monique and Brent Evans’ lazy-day lakefront, and Charles and Virginia Yarbrough’s ethereal woodland tucked away from civilization.

Refreshments will be served in the Werner garden in Old Goodwood, but visitors may start at any of the four featured gardens with the help of a tour map, available online. Tickets are available for purchase at the LSU Hilltop Arboretum, at the gardens on the day of the tour, or online.