Model DeShay Devillier and artist's Joli Bryan and Natalie Major at the BUST Breast Cancer Bra Art Fashion Show in 2019. Photo by Wil Norwood.

Help BUST Breast Cancer at this year’s annual bra art fashion show

On Thursday, September 21, join the Foundation for Woman’s for a bra art fashion show to kick off its signature fundraising event BUST Breast Cancer. At the fundraising event, which raises money for mammograms and other services for women, breast cancer survivors will rock the runway in avant-garde bras created by local artists.

In addition, Woman’s also hosts BUST Out, a five-week community event that begins Friday, September 22, and continues throughout the month of October, aka breast cancer awareness month. During that time, individuals and businesses can decorate a bra, display the piece and/or promote it on social media. The goal is to encourage friends and followers to vote for their creation by texting a $1 donation to the Foundation for Woman’s.

“BUST Out was created during the pandemic when we could not host our event, BUST Breast Cancer. Now, it has grown from 30 bra partners in 2020 to more than 80 bra partners this year,” says Melissa Curry, philanthropy officer at Foundation for Woman’s.

Tickets for BUST Breast Cancer, and more information about the event, is available at