10 Questions with Myla Boutique
What once was a former Subway sandwich hub is now Baton Rouge’s new disco-ball-laden shopping stop: Myla Boutique. With options for women, young adults and children, the pipe dream finally became reality for owner Jamie Jones this past Saturday, October 2, when the doors of the candy pink boutique officially opened to shoppers.
To learn more about where the idea came from, as well as what people can expect to find there, we reached out to Jamie Jones for all the fun details.

1. What inspired you to create Myla Boutique?
Myla Boutique was created by me, a mom of three. My daughters are Mya, a student at LSU, and Lana, who is in fourth grade. With such a difference in age range and styles, we wanted to create a boutique where we could all find clothing, jewelry, accessories, gifts and more. Our goal was to create our ultimate dream closet in a store for all ages. From special occasions to gameday to every day, we want you to walk in and find stylish pieces you will love as much as we do.
2. How did Myla Boutique get its name?
Myla’s name is a combination of my daughters’ names, Mya and Lana, using the first two letters of their names: My+La.
3. What sets Myla Boutique apart?
We sell to a wide age range–women, college-age young women, and girls size 2 to 12. My daughters and I picked what spoke to each of us. I picked comfortable, classy, stylish things. Mya chose more youthful, college-appropriate trendy pieces. Lana picked girly, glittery and fun things.
4. What is a typical day like for you?
We just opened, so my typical day is go, go, go. I usually start by getting my two youngest, Lana and Jude, up and ready for school. Then Mya and I order organize our store. We love getting in new orders for our customers (and for ourselves).
5. What is one thing you think customers should know about Myla Boutique that they may not be aware of?
Myla Boutique is the pink building on Perkins Road at College Drive. Pink is girly and fun, but we also chose pink in a nod to my mother, Linda, who had breast cancer.
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6. Where do you find inspiration?
We go by our own likes and try to have fun while shopping and stocking for our store. Now we can meet our customers in-store and soon, online.
7. What is your professional background? How did you get into the retail field?
Seeing my mother be an entrepreneur and run a small business was very inspiring. I always knew I wanted to run my own business. After years of being a stay-at-home mom and putting my children first, I finally felt it was the right time to launch my dream.
8. How did you prepare for the store opening?
Both Mya and I have always wanted to have a boutique. We could not decide what age group to cater to, so we finally just chose to mesh all our ideas together. We opened October 2 to a huge success! We have worked on this for years, and seeing it really happen was a dream come true.
9. What is the overall style and aesthetic of Myla Boutique?
Our style is fun, cool, classy and girly, all wrapped into one. We bought what made us feel happy and comfortable and what we love in clothes, shoes, jewelry and toys.
10. What can customers expect this coming season?
In the upcoming seasons, we plan on mashing our styles to have a collection that suits our lives. If we like it, we hope you love it too.
To learn more and do some shopping of your own, check out the store’s Facebook page and visit @shopmylaboutique on Instagram.