Stephanie Carroll

My Favorite Things: Stephanie Carroll

­Residential designer/Project manager at Onsite Design + Development


Guilty pleasure

Anything on Bravo


Place for lunch

The patio at Bistro Byronz


Way to spend a Saturday morning

Sleeping in followed by brunch at Portobello’s


TV show



Way to spend $20

A Sunday matinee


Class in high school



Baton Rouge experience or attraction

LSU football games


Way to get myself moving in the morning

An extra-large latte


Childhood memory

Visiting my grandparents on Beaver Lake in Rogers, Arkansas


Items in my wardrobe

My Frye boots and vintage scarves


Way to unwind

Enjoying a glass of wine on the porch


Time of year




The Harry Potter series


Concert I ever attended

Girls’ trip to New Orleans in high school to see Radiohead


Place for a manicure/pedicure

Nail Chic



Tocca Margaux


App on my smartphone



Item in my makeup bag

Two-Faced mascara


Place to have a shopping spree



Excuse to indulge

After a hard workout


Out-of-town destination



Murphy, a rescued Bichon Frisé
Murphy, a rescued Bichon Frisé

Most treasured possessions

My grandmother’s jewelry and my dog, Murphy


Talent I wish I had

Fluency in a second and third language


My motto for life

Work hard, play hard.


Hidden talent

Impromptu song and dance